Social Sciences and Humanities

Develop your potential and profile as a successful researcher on this innovative masters course. It enables you to undertake original research and push the boundaries of knowledge in your specialist area of choice.

Focus on a subject pathway which matches your interests and ambitions: you can graduate with an MRes in Social Research, Criminal Psychology, Humanities or Journalism

Learn in an inter-disciplinary and research-active environment

Build advanced research skills through a series of inspirational masterclasses

Conduct your own substantial piece of independent research, with support and supervision from influential academic researchers

Join our dynamic and supportive postgraduate community and work with influential researchers on collaborative projects

Focus on ‘real-world’ research: if you are already in employment, you can relate your studies directly to your professional role

Learn how to attract funding for research projects and how to share your findings for maximum impact

Benefit from a truly interdisciplinary approach to learning, drawing on best research practice from across the social sciences and humanities

Boost your future prospects by building an impressive portfolio of transferable skills in data collection, analysis and critical reflection – using evidence to evaluate and solve problems

Prepare for a fulfilling career as a researcher or research manager in academia or public, private and voluntary organisation

Gain an excellent platform if you want to progress to a PhD

Enjoy flexibility in your studies – with the chance to take shorter versions of the course leading to a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma.

The Master of Research (MRes) offers a flexible, challenging and inspirational way to develop wide-ranging research and analytical skills and to complete a substantial research project under the supervision of academic experts. You can gain named MRes awards in Social Research, Criminal Psychology, Humanities or Journalism, depending on the subject pathway you choose to take.

A broad appeal

The MRes is ideal for high-performing students who want to progress directly from undergraduate studies and to continue developing their experience of real-world and collaborative research. 

With a part-time route available, it is also suited to professionals already working in roles which involve the collection and analysis of data to address complex challenges and underpin decision-making.

It will appeal in particular to ambitious individuals who want to advance their careers in settings such as the criminal justice sector, local authorities, police and probation services, the heritage sector and the media. They could be in roles which are specifically focussed on research or where they need to use data and evidence effectively.

In-depth knowledge, enhanced employability

The MRes delivers:

A critical awareness of current debates, problems and developments at the forefront of your academic or professional subject specialism

A comprehensive understanding of research methods, techniques and originality in research practice

Excellent critical thinking, evaluation and analysis skills so that you can test theories and engage in academic debate

Enhanced employability so that you are well prepared for higher level professional employment

A truly interdisciplinary approach

One of the strengths of our MRes programme is its emphasis on inter-disciplinary learning.  The course is uniquely structured so that you are trained in research methods and practice which are relevant across the social sciences and humanities, equipping you with a solid foundation of skills. 

You will draw on best practice from different sectors, learning how they take distinctive approaches to research and knowledge production. Because the course is expected to attract individuals from different settings – from police officers to social workers, journalists to heritage sector professionals, to name but a few – you will benefit from sharing ideas and fresh perspectives.

Skills to take you far

After a vital introduction to research philosophy and methodology, you will develop your skills via a series of masterclasses. We cover issues such as how to conduct reviews of existing literature; how to collect and analyse qualitative data through interviews and focus groups; how to harness quantitative data such as social statistics; and how to use archives.

In addition, we focus on your personal development as a researcher, exploring how to present research evidence and get it published; research and project planning techniques; different sources of research funding; and ways to ensure your research has impact.

Pursue your personal and professional interests

Alongside generic research skills, you will have the chance to concentrate on the discipline of your choice – Social Research, Criminal Psychology, Humanities or Journalism – and the advanced research methods relevant to that discipline. You will also choose from a further menu of specialist masterclasses in your subject area, drawing on the expertise of University staff. Current options cover everything from critical theory and policy analysis to the sociology of violence, from emerging technologies in journalism to reading the past through historic houses.

This feeds into your independent research project which forms the culmination of your studies. Those students who are already working can choose a theme which reflects their role at work and addresses a real-world issue important to their organisation.

A dynamic research environment

We provide a challenging, stimulating environment where new researchers can develop and excel. In joining the growing postgraduate community at the University of Derby, you will be inspired by influential researchers whose work is advancing knowledge, transforming professional practice and sparking debate in many areas of humanities and social sciences.

A key aim of the MRes is to promote the co-production of research between students and University staff, so you will enjoy opportunities to contribute to significant research outputs.

Draw on our professional networks

Our thriving links with employers and stakeholders in sectors such as local government, national and international social policy, heritage and criminal justice also open up wide-ranging opportunities for collaborative research.

We may therefore be able to help you identify practice-based research projects in particular sectors and organisations. You will also benefit from a programme of guest lectures featuring leading practitioners who will share their expertise and knowledge with you.

Flexibility to suit you

A highly flexible structure means you can study for the full MRes award or complete shorter programmes culminating in a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma.

The Postgraduate Diploma route entails a shorter final research project and leads to a named award in your chosen specialism. You can also take just the three research training modules to gain a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods in the Social Sciences and Humanities.


Operatore di Ripresa

Cattura immagini video utilizzando attrezzature specializzate come telecamere, droni o sistemi di registrazione audiovisiva.

Progettista Multimediale

E’ responsabile della creazione di contenuti che utilizzano diversi mezzi di comunicazione, come testo, immagini, audio e video. Lavora su progetti che coinvolgono la produzione di materiale multimediale per scopi educativi, pubblicitari o informativi.

Tecnico di scena

Controllano diversi aspetti di uno spettacolo sulla base del concetto artistico o creativo, interagendo con gli artisti. Preparano ed eseguono l’allestimento, organizzano le attrezzature e azionano vari sistemi. Si occupano di luci, suono, video, scena e/o sistemi di volo. Il loro lavoro si basa su schemi, istruzioni e calcoli.

Video Designer

E’ specializzato nella creazione e integrazione di elementi video in contesti come spettacoli teatrali, concerti, eventi dal vivo o installazioni multimediali. Utilizza competenze nel design visivo e nell'uso creativo del video per arricchire l'esperienza visiva degli spettatori in ambienti dal vivo.


Si occupa della produzione di video. Questo può includere la scrittura della sceneggiatura, la registrazione delle riprese, il montaggio e la post-produzione. Lavora su una vasta gamma di progetti, tra cui video aziendali, documentari, cortometraggi o contenuti per piattaforme online.


Avere consapevolezza dello sviluppo delle opere audiovisive

Avere consapevolezza delle principali linee di sviluppo tecniche e concettuali delle opere audiovisive contemporanee e le intersezioni con le altre forme di espressione artistica;

Conoscere e applicare le tecniche adeguate nei processi operativi

avere capacità procedurali in funzione della contaminazione tra le tradizionali specificazioni disciplinari;

Conoscere e saper applicare i principi della percezione visiva e della composizione dell'immagine

Implica la capacità di comprendere e utilizzare le regole dell'occhio umano e della struttura dell'immagine per creare risultati visivamente efficaci;

Conoscere i linguaggi audiovisivi

Riconoscere gli elementi costitutivi dei linguaggi audiovisivi e multimediali negli aspetti espressivi e comunicativi, avere consapevolezza dei fondamenti storici e concettuali;