Higher Education

Research on higher education at Kent focuses on higher education practices and policy, particularly as they relate to innovation, enhancement, accessibility and excellence in teaching, learning, assessment and students’ experiences.  Our research also investigates academic practice and how to support, recognise and reward academics, particularly part-time, and early career academics. 

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) draws on expertise from its core staff as well as researchers across the University, so we can offer high-quality PhD supervision; we work very carefully to match you with a supervisory panel that suits your interests and ambitions. There are further details on the research activities and publications of individual members of staff on the Centre for the Study of Higher Education website.

In addition to regular meetings with supervisors, all research students take part in a tailored research training programme, which can include research methods modules offered by the Centre or by other schools, as appropriate. As well as attending the regular research seminars offered by the Centre, you are encouraged to participate in the seminars, workshops, newer researcher networks and masterclasses offered by the scholarly bodies in the discipline, such as the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE).

About the Centre for the Study of Higher Education

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) provides a base for postgraduate provision with a distinctive focus on the field of Higher Education. CSHE is also a focal point for research in this area, supported by seminars and events to which all postgraduate students and staff are warmly welcomed.

We offer three taught postgraduate programmes (PCert, PDip and MA in Higher Education) and a PhD in Higher Education. Taught programmes are tailored to different levels of experience and designed for you to select subject matter according to your own professional interests and role. The emphasis throughout is on developing an understanding of the higher education context, the diversity of provision and the implications for all aspects of academic work in the 21st century.

The PhD programme, offered on a full-time or part-time basis, is designed for those with a professional or scholarly interest in higher education who wish to develop as independent researchers in the field. Students on our programmes come from a wide range of subject backgrounds and bring a rich variety of experiences to their work, resulting in a lively interdisciplinary dimension to taught modules and opportunities for debate.

Please note that we are unable to offer tuition or supervision in relation to other phases of education (e.g. schools)or to School teacher education or teaching English as a foreign language.


Installatori e Manutentori di Impianti

Questi professionisti si occupano di installare, mantenere e riparare impianti di vario tipo, come impianti elettrici, idraulici, termici, di riscaldamento e raffreddamento, garantendo che funzionino in modo efficiente e sicuro;

Manutentore Meccatronico

Questi professionisti combinano conoscenze meccaniche ed elettroniche per eseguire manutenzione, riparazione e installazione di sistemi meccatronici complessi, che uniscono componenti meccaniche ed elettroniche;


I meccanici lavorano sulla manutenzione, riparazione e revisione di veicoli, macchinari e apparecchiature meccaniche. Possono specializzarsi in diverse aree, come veicoli a motore, macchinari industriali o attrezzature agricole;

Riparatori di Macchinari e Impianti Industriali

I riparatori di macchinari e impianti industriali sono responsabili della diagnosi e della riparazione di guasti e malfunzionamenti in macchinari e attrezzature industriali;


Analisi e Interpretazione di Schemi

Capacità di analizzare e interpretare gli schemi di apparati, impianti e dispositivi, preparando le attività necessarie per farli funzionare in modo efficiente;

Installazione di Apparati e Impianti

Capacità di installare e mettere in funzione apparati e impianti, inclusi quelli programmabili, in conformità con le specifiche tecniche dei diversi prodotti meccanici, elettrici, fotovoltaici e termici;

Manutenzione e Diagnostica

Abilità nell'effettuare interventi di manutenzione ordinaria, diagnostica e collaudo delle macchine e dei piccoli impianti, garantendo il loro corretto funzionamento nel tempo;

Sicurezza e Normative

Lavoro in sicurezza rispettando le normative di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro e contribuendo alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente durante le attività di installazione, manutenzione e collaudo;

Verifica, Regolazione e Collaudo

Collaborazione alle attività di verifica, regolazione e collaudo degli apparati e degli impianti, assicurando che soddisfino le specifiche normative e funzionino correttamente;